Monday, July 30, 2012

Back to reality

Vacation is over.  Back to reality now.  I'm trying to look on the bright side--seeing my dog and cats, watching the Olympics, knowing that fall is just around the corner--but I really like the pretend world I was living in last week!  It takes a little while to adjust after a long awaited vacation!  I didn't get too many pictures--Hannah is the "official" photographer of the family, but here are a few.  

This is one of Travis, Hannah and Katie at a small lake at Carolina Beach:

Such a pretty place, and the weather was beautiful!  This one is of my car after a teenager backed into it in a parking lot:

I'm happy that no one was hurt, but I'm not looking forward to being car-less while it's repaired.  Not the best way to end a vacation!

On the way out of town, we stopped at the local farmer's market, where I found these charms:

Aren't they cool?  They're copper, and were originally part of a copper roof on a house on the Outer Banks.  She also had whales and hearts.  I regret not buying more.  I got her card, so I suppose I can always look her up.  I love pieces with a story!

I didn't make any jewelry last week, but I did read one book and half of another.  I've got a lot of ideas floating around in my head that I need to act on before I forget them!  I wish I could draw well, but usually when I try to sketch something I can't make heads or tails of what I was trying to draw!

I'm trying hard to concentrate and be positive today, but I really, really wish I were still on vacation!

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